Hypopressives for Organ Prolapse

Hypopressives for Organ Prolapse

Hypopressives May Help with Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse is the drooping of the organs into or out of the vagina.

Pelvic organs include the bladder, uterus, vagina, rectum, and small bowel.

These organs are supported by the pelvic floor muscles. If the pelvic floor muscles become weak, the pelvic organs will drop.

Approximately 200.000 surgeries are performed annually in the United States to correct pelvic organ prolapse,  according to the American Journal of obstetrics and Gynecology.


Every condition that increases intra-abdominal pressure such as:


Weight of the Baby during Pregnancy



After Childbirth

Chronic Cough




Previous Abdominal Surgeries


Repeated Heavy Lifting


Pressure in the Pelvic Area

Unable to Wear a Tampon


Difficulty starting to Urinate

Unable to Empty Bladder Well

Pulling Feeling on the Groin Area

Lower Back Pain

Pain with Intercourse

The Feeling of Sitting on a Tennis Ball


Symptoms Get Worse With:

Prolonged Standing





At the End of the Day


Symptoms are Relieved with:


Staging the Degree of Pelvic Organ Prolapse ( The Baden-Walker System (0-4) according to the American Academy of Family Physicians.

Grade 1: Descent of the Organs Halfway to the Hymen

Grade 2: Descent of the Organs to the Hymen

Grade 3: Descent of the Organs Halfway past the Hymen

Grade 4: Maximal Possible Descent of the Organs


There are many conservative alternatives to improve the symptoms, reduce progressions,  and limit the worsening of pelvic organ prolapse without surgery. They include Physical Therapy, Kegel exercises, and the Hypopressive Method.

How Hypopressives Can Help?

Hypopressives can reduce the excess of pressure in the abdominal cavity by relaxing the diaphragm.

If the diaphragm is more flexible and less tight from excess of tension, the internal organs will have room to ascend and the pelvic floor muscle will be able to contract naturally.

The constant practice of Hypopressives will bring internal organs back in place. It will make the abdominal muscles, and pelvic floor muscle stronger, and will improve the organ prolapse.

If you are interested in starting Hypopressives with a certified Hypopressive Doctor,  contact Doctor Alexandra Chaux, or visit www.corefityoga.com for more information on Hypopressives.