Hypopressives for Postpartum Recovery

Hypopressives for Postpartum Recovery

Hypopressives can be used for postpartum recovery.

Why Hypopressives can help with postpartum changes?


Restore Abdominal Muscles

Improve body Alignment and Posture Awareness

Accelerate the Healing Process of Pelvic Floor Muscles

Tighten Abdominal

Strengthen Back

Improve Balance

Improve Sexual Function

Prevent Pelvic Dysfunction in the Future

Many physical changes are experienced after childbirth related to posture, abdominal muscles, and pelvic floor muscles.


The center of gravity moves forward and the lumbar curve increases during pregnancy. Hypopressives contribute to return the lumbar curve to its proper alignment to prevent back pain, back discomfort, and to improve posture awareness.

Abdominal Muscles

Abdominal muscles are lengthened after childbirth and diastasis recti may occur.

Diastasis Recti is the separation of the recti abdominis as a result of the hormone Relaxin released during pregnancy. The abdominal separation can be excessive due to the weight and the size of the baby. An assessment to see the grade of abdominal separation can be performed three days after labor. If the separation or diastasis recti is found the new mom will benefit from Hypopressives, to restore this the abdominal muscle.

Pelvic Floor Muscles

The pelvic floor muscles are tender and swollen after giving birth. The pelvic floor muscle main function of supporting the organs (uterus, bladder, and intestine) is interrupted or difficult to do. As a result, stress urinary incontinence may occur. Hypopressives can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles to improve its function and prevent urinary incontinence.

    1. Organ Prolapse If the pelvic floor muscle is weak, an organ prolapse may occur. Link here to learn more about organ prolapse.
  • Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Weak abdominal muscles and weak pelvic floor muscles predispose the body to pelvic dysfunctions. The most common pelvic dysfunction is stress urinary incontinence.  Hypopressives can prevent pelvic dysfunctions.

For more information contact Doctor Alexandra Chaux at alexandra@corefityoga.com