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Step-by-step video to shrink your waistline, flatten your tummy, and much more!
This introduction to hypopressives will have you feeling more energized, flexible and stronger!
Hypopressive for a Flat Tummy
Hypopressive is one of the best abdominal workouts to get a flat tummy! Follow these healthy tips and these exercises to have...
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What is the Secret to get a Flat Tummy and Amazing Abs? Stop Doing Sit Ups Instead, Follow These Healthy Tips. Hypopressive is...
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Hypopressive is a Very Effective Abdominal Workout to Get a Smaller Waist and a Flat Tummy The main goal of many people...
Read morewith Doctor Alexandra Chaux
Welcome to the Hypopressive Core Series!
Hypopressive Core Series 1
In Hypopressive Core Series You Will Learn to Do Hypopressives the Correct Way! Are you noticing your belly protruding these days? Do you pee a...
Hypopressive Core Series 3
Coming Soon!
Hypopressive Core Series 2
Hypopressive Core Series 2 focus on more challenging postures to target your core from inside-out.

My Story
I am Alexandra, Doctor of Physical Therapy and the creator of a Healthy Tummy for a Healthy Life!
My life’s ups and downs have been my best teacher to be who I am. I used to be that girl who was always sick growing up. I remember going with my Mom to see several doctors to find a cure for a fever that kept occurring for many years. The interesting thing is that the fever always happened during stressful situations of my childhood.
I clearly remember one episode. I was in third grade. The professor called my name, asked me a question. I didn’t know the answer. Her answer was “You have one.” At that time the school system graded from 1-5, and 1 was the lowest and the worst grade.
I remember I started crying. Few hours later, someone took me home because I developed a high fever. Then I remember my Mom waking me up with a cold wet towel over my forehead. This situation occurred over and over, and nobody could find an explanation for my fever. All lab test they did where always normal, but the fever was always there.
The fever finally went away when I was a 10-year-old! It was like starting to live again! I learned to see the bright side in every moment of my life thanks to the fever. I learned that my emotions could affect my health. That is why I became a happier and stronger child. I choose to focus on the positive.
Being a Hypopressive Method Expert has taught me that the most important thing for the core is not having six packs. It’s to have a healthy tummy that works efficiently in relation to the back and pelvic floor. My lessons for you will focus on exercises that activate your core from the inside-out to relieve any tummy discomfort and to have a beautiful and healthy tummy!
I remember facing hard moments in my life. Even when I was sad or upset, I always asked myself what can I learn from this? What is the lesson behind this? I always assumed that it is always a good thing that is helping me to become a better person.
The main lesson I have learned from my journey was to be more sensitive to other people’s needs, feelings, and emotions. In other words, I tried to see the beauty in them, and I tell them right away.
If I see someone driving fast and being impatient, I will send them love and protection.
If someone comes to me upset. I will say something to make them smile.
If someone comes sad to me, I will give them a hug and I send them love to their heart to make them feel better.
If someone comes to me and tells me she or he is having a hard day, I will open my heart to listen and ask the universe to give me the best way to comfort them.
Being sensitive to other people’s needs, feelings, and emotions has helped me to succeed in my career. My first job as a Physical Therapist was in Indiana, as a Physical Therapist Traveler. My English was not very good. Documenting the physical therapy reports took me extra time. Everything was written on paper. Many times, I had to write things all over again to fix my grammar mistakes. My patients sometimes didn’t understand my English due to my strong Spanish accent. I learned to handle physical therapy every task in the best way possible. I learned to read signs of distress, sadness, pain, and even happiness to be able to give them the care they needed.
My education and training have helped me to learn to move more efficiently, with less effort, and with a proper body alignment.
Being a Doctor of Physical Therapy has taught me that if we feel out of balance, weak or tight, the core will be is asking for help. I learned the balance and foundation of the body starts from the core. That is why the lessons you will learn from me will be focused on the core.
Being a Yoga instructor has taught me to be aware of breathing, being present, and listening to my body. If something hurts or is uncomfortable, the body will need to modify or learn a new way of moving that makes it feel safe and happy. I will be teaching you to breathe the right way and to calm your nervous system. Breathing right will help you to move more efficiently and effortlessly!
Being a Hypopressive Method Expert has taught me that the most important thing for the core is not having six packs. It’s to have a healthy tummy that works efficiently in relation to the back and pelvic floor. My lessons for you will focus on exercises that activate your core from the inside-out to relieve any tummy discomfort and to have a beautiful and healthy tummy!
Maybe you are dealing with constipation, back pain, digestion issues, inflammation, abdominal scars, weak tummy, or pain. You have gone to many doctors, but still you don’t feel well. I was there too! Now I am here to support you and help you to feel better, stronger, and happier.
Everything starts from the gut and 70% of the immune system is in the abdominal cavity. Listen to your got. Its screaming to give you help and guidance.
I am so happy you found me! I will teach you to move more efficiently. Your body will learn to use the right muscles to have a healthy, strong core, and pelvic floor. If your body is moving more efficiently, your gut will be healthier and happier. This means, you will prevent digestion issues and constipation. Any scars in the connective tissues such as abdominal c-sections, appendectomy, tummy tacks, hernias surgery, lower back surgeries will become smoother and more pliable. In other words, your body will reset, rewire and will learn to move without any restrictions.
I will share my tools to help you with your goals and expectations. We will walk together in this journey of feeling healthier and happy.
Are you ready? Let’s do this together!