Hypopressive and Uddiyana Bandha

Hypopressive and Uddiyana Bandha

Hypopressive and Uddiyana Bandha

Differences and Similarities.

Hypopressive and uddiyana bandha look similar to the eyes of many people. However, hypopressive and uddiyana bandha are different.


There are many differences between hypopressive and uddiyana bandha in regards to posture, sequence, hands position, neck position, etc.

Posture and Posture Sequence

Hypopressive includes a sequence of postures, and uddiyana bandha only uses standing, or sitting posture.

Hypopressive uses a sequence of posture such us  standing, squatting, sitting, kneeling, rolling, and lying down. Uddiyana bandha is learned in standing for beginners, or sitting for more advance yogis.

Hand Position

In hypopressive the position of the hands change.   The hands are placed on the knees in uddiyana bandha

Neck Position

In hypopressive the neck is retracted. In contrast, in uddiyana bandha, the neck is flexed.



Hypopressive and Uddiyana banda have some similarities.

  •  Strengthen and tone abdominal muscles.
  • Improve digestion, circulation, release tension, and stress.
  • Stretch the diaphragm and improve posture.

What is Hypopressive?


hypopressive by Doctor Alexandra Chaux

Hypo means reduction, pressive means pressure.

Hypopressive make emphasis on reducing the excess of pressure in the abdominal cavity by opening the rib cage. In addition, hypopressive is more than holding the breath.

This method is a sequence of postures. This sequences include breathing techniques to open the rib cage to allow the organs to ascend and release pressure in the abdominal cavity.

  • Enhance Posture
  • Prevent Back Pain
  • Prevent any type of Hernias (inquinal, abdominals, lumbars)
  • Improve Breathing and Lung Capacity
  • Improve Circulation
  • Restore Sexual Function
  • Improve Balance and flexibility
  • Shrink Waistline
  • Reduce Stress
How to do Hypopressives?

What is Uddiyana Bandha?


uddiyana bandha by Doctor Alexandra Chaux

Uddiyana means upward or to rise up, and bandha means sealing or contracting a part of the body to give support to the hip, spine, organs, and abdomen.

Bandhas are very important during yoga postures, because bandhas contracts the abdomen into the rib cage.

The abdomen and the organs are naturally elevated by an upward flow of energy. This energy supports the organs and spine effortless. Uddiyana bandha cleanses, purifies the body, mind, and help with  more mental clarity.

Uddiyana Bandha is also called Upward Abdominal Lock


  • Massages Internal Organs
  • Open the Heart Chakra (Improve Kindness, Compassion, and Patience)
  • Open the Solar Plexus Chackra (Improve Self-esteem, and Relationship with others)
  • Reduce Stress and Depression
  • Improve Liver Function
  • Improve Lung Capacity
  • Promote Youthfulness
  • Stimulates cleansing
  • Improve self awareness
  •  Enhance Digestion
  • Increase Metabolism

Very Important…

Empty your stomach before hypopressive and uddiyana bandha practice

Practice hypopressive and uddiyana bandha with an expert teacher, especially if you have preexisting medical issues.

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